Vagzlis bazari, my favoritest marketplace in Georgia and on earth..

Vagzlis bazari!

That means the Train Station's market, for those of us for whom the Georgian language is still a mystery. Actually, it does come from Russian, I have been told..I will be forever corrected in my use of the beautiful Georgian language.. Argh!

From the top of the stairs where the above picture is taken, turn around, and face the other way. First, you will find stores that sell textbooks, coffee, all kind of permanent little stores. Keep going straight..Now, there you are!
It would be untrue to say that I only go there to shop. As it is, it is a long way from where our house is. But when in Georgia, and particularly in Tbilisi, I have to go plunge into this great market.
Well, many reasons. Most of all, one of my very favorite person works very close to there. She works in the amazing okros bazari, or the Gold Market. I go visit and sit with her and watch with incredulous eyes. You do not take pictures there, it is strictly forbidden, but let me say that it is absolutely beyond belief. You have heard of the Golden Fleece? Well... there it is, in small chunks, of course! The Gold Market is at the front of the train station, first floor. You can't miss it. Just find the escalator and the security guards. 

The market is just a fun place to go mix with the natives. A few tourists, maybe, but mainly natives for whom this market is where they buy their fresh produce every day. It really gives you a sense of what is eaten and used for everyday living. 

The Train Station's market is a huge complex with several levels that houses not only the Gold market, but other large stores. It is also, of course...a train station!
Technology, clothing, everything you can think of, it is there. Needless to say, there is food too. After all, it is Georgia.. You can grab things on the go, such as khatchapuris, but you can also sit and ponder your next purchase. Luka and I ate at the very top of the train station a couple of years ago, and that was most fun. 
The pics below are from veggie vendors outside the main building, to the left when the station is in front of you. The market goes on for a long, long way, and ends with people who do not have the protection of a roof in time of heat or rain. I suppose that place must be cheaper, but you do have to walk past all of this to see them. By that time, you probably already filled your basket..

marigolds make a famous spice,
called "yellow flower".

 This is just the vegetable and fruit portion of the market, with a few dry products also. If you go to the right, with the train station to your back, you will find that it goes on there too. Since the stores there are more permanent in nature, you will find little grocery stores, many, many stores with Chinese products of all kind, and places to eat. At Easter, you will find people selling red madder root to color eggs and all necessary to celebrate.

 Berries of all kinds will end up in jams and syrups. Many are also used for medicinal properties. The sea buckthorn, for example, becomes a great syrup used to boost your immunity before the cold season.

Alright, pomegranates are awesome here!
It is such a good thing  that many of these products are locally grown!
Supporting the local mini-farm owners is so important!

No wonder their dishes are great, look at all the great stuff they cook!

Did you forget to bring back
that most important Georgian coffee maker?
Here it is!

 The plaza is also where you find the majority of the minibuses going in all directions. Vagzlis Bazari is the end, or the start, of most bus lines. It is also where the last stop of that metro line arrives. It is a happening place!
The first or the last thing
you should do.
Try tarkhuna lemonade;
Tarragon Lemonade!
Oh, wait, of course...a Georgian carpet!
Well, those are...Turkish, but still nice. 



So glad you came to visit.
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